Had trouble viewing secure sites with Galeon. after a bit of googling, found
2 pointers:
a symbolic link (instead of copying the file) worked fine
he misspelled libsmime3.so. took me half a sec to realize.
Friday, December 17, 2004
Sunday, November 07, 2004
testing pictures
Lets see if this works
I this a stupid idea, or what?
alt="high steer?" />
A zlink would be stronger.
I this a stupid idea, or what?
A zlink would be stronger.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Where do we go from here...
Haven't posted in a while, So here's my predictions for the political future.
First, I believe the Democrats will split into 4 major groups. The largest
segment to leave will go Green (About 30%), with The republicans and
libertarians each getting 10-20% of the "moderates" Further more , I believe
the Republicans will lose the same 10% to each of the 3 other parties. McCain
will go Green, as will Hillary & Kennedy.
Hillary will run in 2008, and fail so miserably that the Democrats will split
as above. I predict she will get less than 1/3 the vote. By 2010, every
state house in the country will have at least one Green or libertarian, and
there will be no less than 4 governors.
the 2012 Race will be run on gun gun control, either a libertarian, or a
"republican" who leans libertarian Running on a platform of 100% repeal, vs a
green/democrat running for 100% consfication. If the Anti's Win, we will
have a war by 2015. I predict that the Nation will fragment into Several
small nations, some being complete, others being confederations.
My predictions are: Alaska, Hawaii and lower California will go alone.
Upper / western Oregon & western Washington will form a single state,
possibly joining with BC and Alberta.
Eastern WA and Oregon will join the Idaho Panhandle to create a new state
(we'll call it Lincoln, since there was gonna be a state named that made from
the panhandle). The upper east half of California will become part of
Nevada, and the Jefferson border will go south to near Sacramento area.
Jefferson, Nevada, Lincoln, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, Utah will form
a confederacy. Well call it the Rocky mountain confederacy, for now. Arizona
will claim the west half of New Mexico, while Texas will get the east.
Likelise, the west end of the Dakota's & Nebraska will similarly be split
between Wyoming and Nevada. the remaining Dakota's will consolidate into 1
state and join with Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois,
wisconson, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio to form a nation. Call it the Great
Lakes Nation.
West Virginia will be divided up between Ohio and Virginia. The old "new
england states" will remain calling them selves "The United States, and will
clam sorvernginity over all of "old America"
Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolina's, Alabama, Georgia, Missippi,
and Florida will form another confederation, the "new South". Texas will
split into 4 sub states, and be joined by Oklahoma, Arkansas and Lusiana to
form the Nation of Texas.
New England and the great lake will fail at a bid to re-conquer the south, and
end up Joining Eastern Canada.
By 2100 Alaska will be joined by the Yukon, BC, Alberta, and the new OR/WA
state) to form a confederacy. A revolt in California will end in a granted
petition to join the rocky mountain confederacy, along with Baja, Sonora and
Chichuana (sp?) joining either the Rocky's or Texas.
Greater Alaska, The Rockies, Texas and the South will join together to form
The American Confederacy. It will have a relationship with Canada similar
to what we have now, except a bit less friendly. Canada will slowly drift
politically closer to the AC, until they end up joining it around 2200.
Or, of course, we could elect a Libertarian or Libertarian leaning Republican
in 15, and end up with only a few states petitioning to leave (a petition a
LP winner would grant if the popular vote in those area's warrented it)
But those are just my opinions, and we'll have to see if they remain true.
Haven't posted in a while, So here's my predictions for the political future.
First, I believe the Democrats will split into 4 major groups. The largest
segment to leave will go Green (About 30%), with The republicans and
libertarians each getting 10-20% of the "moderates" Further more , I believe
the Republicans will lose the same 10% to each of the 3 other parties. McCain
will go Green, as will Hillary & Kennedy.
Hillary will run in 2008, and fail so miserably that the Democrats will split
as above. I predict she will get less than 1/3 the vote. By 2010, every
state house in the country will have at least one Green or libertarian, and
there will be no less than 4 governors.
the 2012 Race will be run on gun gun control, either a libertarian, or a
"republican" who leans libertarian Running on a platform of 100% repeal, vs a
green/democrat running for 100% consfication. If the Anti's Win, we will
have a war by 2015. I predict that the Nation will fragment into Several
small nations, some being complete, others being confederations.
My predictions are: Alaska, Hawaii and lower California will go alone.
Upper / western Oregon & western Washington will form a single state,
possibly joining with BC and Alberta.
Eastern WA and Oregon will join the Idaho Panhandle to create a new state
(we'll call it Lincoln, since there was gonna be a state named that made from
the panhandle). The upper east half of California will become part of
Nevada, and the Jefferson border will go south to near Sacramento area.
Jefferson, Nevada, Lincoln, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, Utah will form
a confederacy. Well call it the Rocky mountain confederacy, for now. Arizona
will claim the west half of New Mexico, while Texas will get the east.
Likelise, the west end of the Dakota's & Nebraska will similarly be split
between Wyoming and Nevada. the remaining Dakota's will consolidate into 1
state and join with Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois,
wisconson, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio to form a nation. Call it the Great
Lakes Nation.
West Virginia will be divided up between Ohio and Virginia. The old "new
england states" will remain calling them selves "The United States, and will
clam sorvernginity over all of "old America"
Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, the Carolina's, Alabama, Georgia, Missippi,
and Florida will form another confederation, the "new South". Texas will
split into 4 sub states, and be joined by Oklahoma, Arkansas and Lusiana to
form the Nation of Texas.
New England and the great lake will fail at a bid to re-conquer the south, and
end up Joining Eastern Canada.
By 2100 Alaska will be joined by the Yukon, BC, Alberta, and the new OR/WA
state) to form a confederacy. A revolt in California will end in a granted
petition to join the rocky mountain confederacy, along with Baja, Sonora and
Chichuana (sp?) joining either the Rocky's or Texas.
Greater Alaska, The Rockies, Texas and the South will join together to form
The American Confederacy. It will have a relationship with Canada similar
to what we have now, except a bit less friendly. Canada will slowly drift
politically closer to the AC, until they end up joining it around 2200.
Or, of course, we could elect a Libertarian or Libertarian leaning Republican
in 15, and end up with only a few states petitioning to leave (a petition a
LP winner would grant if the popular vote in those area's warrented it)
But those are just my opinions, and we'll have to see if they remain true.
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Hash: SHA1
Woke up this morning to find the puppies had gotten out and ate my mouse cord.
At least they're ready to be given away. time for mamma to get snipped
Took the mouse apart. I'm gonna see if I can find a good cord to replace the
bad one.
Yeah, I know. I'm a cheapskate
Hash: SHA1
Woke up this morning to find the puppies had gotten out and ate my mouse cord.
At least they're ready to be given away. time for mamma to get snipped
Took the mouse apart. I'm gonna see if I can find a good cord to replace the
bad one.
Yeah, I know. I'm a cheapskate
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
This one is good:
Today was really tiring.
I got out of bed really late because my alarm clock has broken and I cannot afford a new one at the moment.
I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy.
I'm so sad. My kitten got run over this afternoon. I found him when I was coming home from school. His head was all squished. I took some photos. I'll miss him. Poor kitty.
Last night I had to go and pay Joshua's bail. He's such a jerk. He got arrested for punching the Walmart clerk in the face for refusing to sell him beer. He's only 16!
I want to tell the world to get fucked.
I am updating this journal for the first time in ages, because I've been in prison.
Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! But I don't know how to work it. Can you help me?
I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, and should stop smoking drugs.
You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this poem I wrote. It's about my friend Robert, who has bipolar disorder. Just like me. And Heidi.
Created with the Gregor's Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updater™. Update your journal today!
Powered by Rum and Monkey
Today was really tiring.
I got out of bed really late because my alarm clock has broken and I cannot afford a new one at the moment.
I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy.
I'm so sad. My kitten got run over this afternoon. I found him when I was coming home from school. His head was all squished. I took some photos. I'll miss him. Poor kitty.
Last night I had to go and pay Joshua's bail. He's such a jerk. He got arrested for punching the Walmart clerk in the face for refusing to sell him beer. He's only 16!
I want to tell the world to get fucked.
I am updating this journal for the first time in ages, because I've been in prison.
Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! But I don't know how to work it. Can you help me?
I want to say thanks to the world for absolutely fucking nothing! You all suck. I feel so alone, no one ever reads this journal, or even comments to let me know that I'm not suffering alone. It's cold here, and I want to die, but I cannot figure out how many of you to take with me when I go.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have bipolar disorder, and should stop smoking drugs.
You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you you're a moron.
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with this poem I wrote. It's about my friend Robert, who has bipolar disorder. Just like me. And Heidi.
Created with the Gregor's Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updater™. Update your journal today!
Powered by Rum and Monkey
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