Saturday, June 25, 2005

6 months. maybe I should update this more often.

This is currently being written on a 'doze machine (not mine, do I look stupid enough to not install Linux?). I was running a duron 600, but was given a 800 chip. turns out the 800 was bad, and, being the considerate chip it is, fried my board.

Fortuantly, besides regular backups, I always do both a Stage 4 backup and a backup of /home. so I'm fairly safe if my drives are also fucked.

A fortnight from now, I should have a new board & chip. AMD, of course. I own an Pentium, but didn't (and won't) pay for that crap. Gonna also pickup a 6-700 watt transformer, as I'll be increasing my SCSI count to 9. 7 drives + tape + cdr.

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